Experiment Part 1

We are working towards revealing the existing system of surveillance. We want to examine the boundaries that surveillance can have on an individual. Our project idea is to intervene and/or reveal the fact that surveillance is a set of connected things, the technology, the watcher, and the one who is watched. We want to further examine what the suggestion and demonstration of being watched has on both individuals.

The goal of this project is to demonstrate to the general public that while they might not be able to control, they can build items to surveil the people that are surveilling them.  In order to do this, we will build a device that theoretically will measure if a person would change their habits if they knew they were being monitored and recorded.

In order to build this device, we need to build a DIY recording kit. This kit and ultimately the final device will be run primarily with a Raspberry Pi Rev. B with an Arduino controlling the LED and any physical addons that a person might want to add to customize the device.  A web camera will capture the image, and send that signal to the Raspberry Pi.  The Raspberry Pi can then save the video or output to the a website.  The LED light will come on and serve as user confirmation when the Raspberry Pi is actively recording.

Here is the list of materials that we will be needing for this project:

  • Raspberry Pi
  • microUSB power (microusb male to USB male, USB power supply)
  • HDMI cable
  • (Monitor) – hdmi to vga cable
  • Arduino
  • webcam
  • USB cable (2.0 to hub, Arduino)
  • SD card (OS)
  • housing
  • wires
  • LED
  • shoebox

About pjblack123

I love music. I love life. I love love. I love to laugh. I love my family. I love my friends. I love making memories to last a lifetime. I'm a lover not a fighter, but I will fight for what I love.

Posted on November 8, 2012, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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