About the Team


A.J. Klein

A.J. Klein is our registered Arduino specialist, who will also be doing coding and will be working with software.










Christa Elias

 Christa Elias is one of our top researchers who will also be using her graphic design talents to assist Pam and Jim in designing and maintaining the website.










Jason Mericle

 Jason Mericle is one of our coding specialists and will be helping by helping A.J. with programming the Arduinos.









Jim Merchant

 Jim Merchant will be the co-designer for the website and will also be helping A.J. with the Arduino coding and software.










Pam Black 

Pam Black is our other co-designer for the website and will also be helping in doing research for the project.









Tiffany Mitchell

 Tiffany Mitchell is our group contact expert and informant for our professor and to the other team members and will also be contributing to the team by conducting research for the project.

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